It had been a great day in Belize. The skies at night was beautiful.It's 3:08am in Belize. Have you had time to sit back and enjoy the universe lately or are you busy running from side to side trying to do a million and one things?
Many women the world over are doing just that. Juggling a life and happiness with the million and one things they have to do to keep up with the time-clock. Lord have mercy, are we growing up in an insensitive world where bosses expect too much of us? I think we are! Unfortunately for many of us it is the only thing we can do. So we are forced with this reality and no one can tell us that life will be any better if we stop and smell the roses when we have dictators in the work place. But I want to do just that.
Life is ever changing. Your life is ever changing. You have got to stop and smell the roses sometimes or you will end up sorry to late in life. Stop worrying about petty things and find time to do a few things that make you happy and you will find that life is beautiful. As you live, you die so you have got to make time for YOU!
Remember at birth you began the process of living and at the same time you began to die. You have got to live your life if you are going to be able to make a good life. Lots of people are scared of dying and when they are near death they struggle to stay alive. What would you say if I told you that there is nothing to fear about death? The theory is if you live a good life you have nothing to fear about death. As you life your life, so will you be with your death. If you lived a full life and did good for yourself and others you have nothing to fear by death - AND I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT HEAVEN!!! However, if it makes you feel better, then go right ahead and invision that euphoric place. However in reality you are in heaven NOW! And you are in HELL, too. Depends how you live your life.
So wake up and be thankful for each day you awake. Many people died and never woke up to see morning. Be thankful for your health and the fact that you can walk. Many people are bedridden and have to wait for someone to come to attend to them. Can you talk? Many people can't do that! Can you see!! Same there!!! So what is your gripe about life??
Have a great day and remember to SMELL THE ROSES!!!
Brenda Aurora Ysaguirre
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