Monday, June 16, 2008


I believe that if we look at the women who are or will be in position of power over the next year or two, we should be able to understand and maybe aim for their level of understanding and growth. Belize needs strong women and we are the women that Belize has. So, look at others and learn that the path that is set before us is a path of challenge and dedication.

Michelle Obama sees racism, sexism in race
NEW YORK (UPI) -- Michelle Obama, the wife of presumptive Democratic U.S. presidential nominee Barack Obama, said Wednesday racism and sexism have been evident in the campaign.

In an appearance on ABC's "The View," Obama, dressed in a black-and-white sundress, attempted to soften her image, talking about her daughters force her and her husband to put the political campaign aside and focus on them.

"And that's a good thing," she said.

Obama was escorted on stage by co-host Barbara Walters and told the show's other co-hosts: "I have to be greeted properly: fist-bump please. … "I'm not that hip. I got it from the young staff."

Asked whether she thought Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., was a victim of sexism by the press, Obama said: "People aren't used to strong women. Elements of racism and sexism -- that will go on. Hillary Clinton as she said she's created 18 million cracks on the (glass) ceiling and we have to keep pushing it and pushing it. She's taken the hits (so) my girls" won't have to.

Copyright 2008 by United Press International

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