These days it seems that I can do nothing right. Either I am abusing of my power here or stealing someones treasure somewhere else. It is getting tiresome. So What do we do when the walls start to cave in. Should we sit back and suck it up? Should we fight tooth and nail? Should we free ourselves of all the secrets and get the parasite off our backs? Should we...? Should we...?
Yes there are lots of questions that we have to ask ourselves when we are caught basically in the middle.
Maybe OSHO would say, "Ignore the current and swim with the tide." Maybe he would say, "Tomorrow will be a better day so don't worry about today."
Well guess what? I am really sorry but I will do neither. I will fight tooth and nail and I will take prisoners where there are and I will sink the vessel and I will take the tide and the wind and the rain and the elements of this world and use them for myself. This is how wars begin. This is how S*** happens. This is how you make me when you piss me off. Look out the monster is on the roll. Get out of my way or you will know the wrath of this woman. Enough is enough. I am tired of everyone who thinks they have the right to tell me what to do. Today is the dawn of a new day. Today is the day I attain my INDEPENDENCE. AND IT FEELS DAMN GOOD!
Ladies, this is how we must be. Strong and ready for action. No time to sit back and think. The time for thinking is over. It is time for action. This is the wrong time of the year for people to make me angry. All the stars and the moon are in the right place to fuel my anger. Well, that is just too bad. Now we will see what we will see.
Have a great day. It is Holy Saturday. Hopefully Easter Sunday will be better and I can have some fun. If not, NO SWEAT!
Remember, sometimes we have got to get angry to purge our minds and bodies of bad energies. Do not despair if you don't feel happy every day. Some days we have to go with the flow and some days we have to turn and fight the current. Today is that day.
Now watch what happens.
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