Someone once said, "Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are."
Back in the days I guess that was true but back then we had what are call "true blue friends". They stuck by us no matter what. They fought FOR US and WITH US! Today unfortunately we are unable to find such a friend. We have users and back stabbing associates. It is a sad day when this became apparent but it is also a day of strength and power for the person who knows what to do and how to overcome the harsh reality that there are no "true blue friends" anymore.
For many it is a wake up call and a painful reality that is so painful that they are unable to enjoy friendships with others in the fear that they too will turn on them. I guess the saying,: Once bitten, twice shy," is really what they go through.
I for one do not blame them at all. I have been there, and done that and felt that and I have created a name for it. I call it the TRUST NO ONE ANYMORE SYNDROME.
The saying, " IT TAKES A FRIEND TO F**K A FRIEND" is definately true.
However,the great thing about it is that it fertilizes your inner self and your self esteem is re-vitalized and once this happns NO ONE CAN HURT YOU AGIN - EVER!!!
To all the so called friends of this world I say: SHAME ON YOU! You got the trust and the love of a person who saw you as honest and caring and you used this person as a pawn, a tool of your growth and gain.
Oh, well, now it will never be the same. Now your mask is uncovered. Now the real you is obviously as clear as water and you are as murky as mud.
Hat's off to those who have shone as true blue friends and who are trusted and trustworthy. You are few. You are special. YOU ARE HONOURABLE PERSONS. YOU ARE TRUE BLUE THROUGH AND THROUGH.
Brenda A. Ysaguirre
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