Someone told me a few weeks ago that life was not going to get easier sooner but that we had the choice to make it work for each and everyone of us! I guess they are right. There is so little time and so much to do in this world today. So to help us see what life should be all about I am going to postsomething for you to think about from a great teacher. If you like it and would like to know more or would like to voice your opinion, you can do so here or you can write me at brendaysaguirre@gmail.com I will try to share with you what I have learnt and what I am learning with an open mind.
Have a great day!!!
Primero, tu vida es tu vida, no es la vida de nadie más. No permitas que nadie te domine, no dejes que otros te dicten lo que has de hacer. Eso es una traición a la vida. Si dejas que otros te digan lo que has de hacer, sean tus padres, la sociedad, tu sistema educativo, tus políticos, tus sacerdotes, sean los que sean, si te dejas dominar por los demás, te perderás tu vida. Porque el dominar proviene del exterior y la vida está en tu interior. Nunca se encuentran. No te estoy diciendo que tengas que ser alguien que siempre diga no a todo. Eso tampoco sirve.
Hay dos clases de gente. Una pertenece al tipo obediente, dispuesto a entregarse a cualquiera. No poseen en su interior un alma independiente. Son inmaduros, infantiles, siempre buscando la figura del padre, buscando a alguien que les diga lo que han o lo que no han de hacer. No son capaces de confiar en sí mismos. Esa gente forma la mayor parte de la población mundial, las masas.
Luego, en oposición a esa gente, existe una pequeña minoría que rechaza la sociedad, que rechaza los valores de, la sociedad. Ellos creen que son rebeldes. No lo son; son sólo reaccionarios. Tanto si escuchas a la sociedad como si rechazas la sociedad, si la sociedad permanece siendo el factor determinante, entonces eres dominado por la sociedad
First OF ALL, your life is your life, not anyone else's life. Do not let anyone dominate you, do not let others dictate what you have to do. That is treason to life. If you let others tell you what you do, whether they are your parents, your society, your education system, your politicians, your priests, whoever they are, if you let yourself be dominated by others, you lose your life. This is because the master is from the outside and life is within you. These two, your interior and your exterior ever meet. I'm not saying you have to be someone who always say no to everything. That will not help.
There are two kinds of people. One belongs to the obedient type who are willing to surrender to anyone. They do not have within them an independent soul. They are immature, childish, always looking for the father figure, looking for someone to tell them what they have or do not have to do. They can not trust themselves. These people form the majority of the world population, the masses.
Then, in opposition to those people, there is a small minority that rejects society, and rejects the values of the society. They think they are rebels. They are not; they are only reactionaries. Whether you listen to or reject society it continues to be the determining factor of your thoughts and so you are dominated by society