To dream is to have a vision. To have a vision is to plan to achieve something. If YOU are to make something of your life and the lives of those near and dear to YOU FIRST YOU MUST have DESIRE. Every great thought or idea, each great invention, each victory was well planned and executed. Life is the same for the normal person out in the world and it is the same for YOU. Start your day planning well ahead of time and always with a set goal in mind. NEVER SAY NEVER OR I CAN´T! BE POSITIVE and seek only those who can be positive too. NEGATIVITY GETS US NOWHERE. Live each day as if it were the last and smile even when you are crying inside. There is very little room for tears. Think not of the past if it was filled with failure. REMEMBER: YOU ARE THE RULER OF YOUR WORLD. YOUR LIFE IS YOURS TO GUIDE. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE ONLY IF YOU WANT TO. CREATE YOUR DESTINY.